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Sunday 31 January 2010

icewm Debian setup --startup--

My startup file. This file lives in ~/.icewm/ and auto-starts certain applications.


########## autostart #############

feh --bg-scale /home/ok/.icewm/themes/organice/organic3.xpm
(sleep 2; tilda &)&
(sleep 2; halevt &)&
(sleep 4; tilda &)&
sleep 4
(sleep 2; guake &)&
(sleep 2; rox  -b=MyPanel &)&
rox --pinboard Default &

############ off ##############

## double hash = comment

#(sleep 2; conky &)&
#(sleep 2; xcalendar &)&
#(sleep 2; conky -c ~/.conkyrc2 &)&
#(sleep 2; conky -c ~/.conkyrc3 &)&
#(sleep 2; iceape &)&
#mrxvt -name bubbleterm -e bubblefishymon -t -k -neth1 &
## start mrxvt xterm, call in “bubbleterm”
## and run “bubblefishymon”
#xbattbar-acpi &
#rox –pinboard=MyPinboard -b=MyPanel &
#rox  -b=MyPanel &
#bbpager &
#bbrun &
#mount /dev/sda2 /media/flash &
#mount /dev/hdb1 /media/iomega &
#mount /dev/hdc1 /media/1tb &
#xchat &
#pidgin &
#sylpheed &
#conky &
#conky -c ~/.conkyrc2 &
#conky -c ~/.conkyrc3 &
#xbattbar-acpi -s 2 -p left -I "lightgray" -O "black" &